How to Get an OpenWeatherMap API Key — Complete Guide

Jennie Lee
6 min readApr 8, 2024


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In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a weather app using React and the OpenWeatherMap API. The OpenWeatherMap API provides access to weather data from around the world, allowing us to display current weather conditions, forecasts, and other weather-related information in our application.

To use the OpenWeatherMap API, we need to obtain an API key. An API key is a unique identifier that allows us to authenticate and authorize our requests to the API. It acts as a security measure, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access the API’s resources.

Obtaining an API key is a necessary step to access the OpenWeatherMap API and retrieve weather data for our app. It ensures that we can make authenticated requests and receive accurate and up-to-date information.

Now that we understand the importance of obtaining an API key, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of getting an OpenWeatherMap API key and using it in our weather app.

Step 1: Setting up a React app using Create-React-App

Before we can start coding our weather app, we need to set up a React app. Luckily, there’s a handy tool called Create-React-App that makes this process quick and easy.

Create-React-App is a command-line tool that generates a new React project with all the necessary dependencies and configuration pre-set. It saves us time and effort by providing a streamlined setup process.

To create a new React app using Create-React-App, open your terminal or command prompt and enter the following command:

npx create-react-app weather-app

This command creates a new folder named “weather-app” with the basic structure and files required for a React app. It also downloads and installs all the necessary dependencies automatically.

Once the process is complete, navigate to the project folder by running the following command:

cd weather-app

Now that we are in the project folder, we can start the React app by running the following command:

npm start

This command starts the development server and opens the app in your default web browser. You should see a default React page with a spinning logo. This means that our React app is up and running successfully.

With our React app set up, let’s move on to the next step and obtain the API key from OpenWeatherMap.

Step 2: Obtaining the API key from OpenWeatherMap

To access the OpenWeatherMap API, we first need to create an account on the OpenWeatherMap website. Visit the OpenWeatherMap website ( and click on the “Sign Up” button at the top right corner of the page.

Fill in the required fields to create a new account. Once the account is created, log in to your newly created account on the OpenWeatherMap website.

After logging in, you will be redirected to your account dashboard. Here, you can access your API key under the “API Keys” section. Click on the “API Keys” tab to reveal your API key.

Copy the API key and keep it handy, as we will need it in the next step. It’s important to keep the API key secure and not share it publicly to prevent unauthorized access to our OpenWeatherMap account and API resources.

Now that we have our API key, let’s move on to coding our weather app.

Step 3: Coding the weather app

In this step, we will be coding the weather app using React. We will create a .env file to store our API key as an environment variable and use it in our application.

  1. Create a new file in the root folder of your project named “.env”. This file will hold our environment variables.
  2. Open the .env file in a text editor and add the following line:

Replace “YOUR_API_KEY” with the API key you obtained from OpenWeatherMap.

Next, let’s open the App.js file and write the code for our weather app. The App.js file contains the main component of our React app.

In the App.js file, we will use the useEffect hook to make an API request to OpenWeatherMap and fetch the weather data. We will also create functions to handle user input for the desired location and display the weather data on the screen.

Here’s the code structure for the App.js file:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";

function App() {
const [location, setLocation] = useState("");
const [weatherData, setWeatherData] = useState(null);

useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(
const data = await response.json();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching weather data:", error);

if (location) {
}, [location]);

const handleChange = (e) => {

const handleSubmit = (e) => {
if (location) {

return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Weather App</h1>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<input type="text" value={location} onChange={handleChange} />
<button type="submit">Get Weather</button>
{weatherData && (
<h2>Current Weather in {location}</h2>
<p>Temperature: {weatherData.main.temp}°C</p>
<p>Weather Condition: {[0].main}</p>

export default App;

In this code, we import the necessary dependencies from React and define our main App component using the functional component syntax.

We use the useState hook to manage the state of the location input field and weatherData, which will hold the fetched weather data.

Within the useEffect hook, we define an asynchronous function called fetchData that makes an API request to OpenWeatherMap using the Fetch API. We interpolate the location and API key values from our environment variables.

If the location is provided, we call the fetchData function to fetch the weather data. If an error occurs during the fetch, we log it to the console.

The handleChange function updates the location state whenever the input field value changes. The handleSubmit function is called when the form is submitted. It prevents the default form submission behavior and calls the fetchData function if a location is provided.

The return statement renders the JSX elements on the screen. It includes a title, a form with an input field and a button, and a conditional rendering of the weather data if it exists.

Congratulations! You have successfully coded your weather app using React and the OpenWeatherMap API.


In this tutorial, we learned how to create a weather app using React and the OpenWeatherMap API. We set up a React app using Create-React-App, obtained an API key from OpenWeatherMap, and coded the weather app.

We created a .env file to store our API key as an environment variable, wrote the necessary code in the App.js file to handle user input and fetch weather data from OpenWeatherMap, and displayed the weather information on the screen.

Here’s the complete code for the App.js file:

// App.js file
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";

function App() {
// State variables
const [location, setLocation] = useState("");
const [weatherData, setWeatherData] = useState(null);

// Fetch weather data on initial app load and whenever location changes
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(
const data = await response.json();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching weather data:", error);

if (location) {
}, [location]);

// Event handlers
const handleChange = (e) => {

const handleSubmit = (e) => {
if (location) {

// Render JSX elements
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Weather App</h1>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<input type="text" value={location} onChange={handleChange} />
<button type="submit">Get Weather</button>
{weatherData && (
<h2>Current Weather in {location}</h2>
<p>Temperature: {weatherData.main.temp}°C</p>
<p>Weather Condition: {[0].main}</p>

export default App;

I hope you found this tutorial helpful and that you now have a better understanding of how to obtain an API key from OpenWeatherMap and use it in your React app. Have fun exploring the possibilities of adding weather data to your applications!

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Jennie Lee
Jennie Lee

Written by Jennie Lee

Software Testing Blogger, #API Testing

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