Top 10 API Gateway Authorizer Solutions for Enhanced Security
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Securing APIs is crucial for protecting data and resources from unauthorized access. API Gateway provides a powerful solution for managing and securing APIs, and one way to enhance security is by using an API Gateway authorizer. In this article, we will explore the top 10 API Gateway authorizer solutions for enhanced security.
An API Gateway authorizer is a Lambda function that performs authentication and authorization for incoming API requests. It allows you to define custom authorization logic and control access to your API endpoints. By integrating an authorizer into your API Gateway configuration, you can ensure that only authenticated and authorized users can access your API.
Use Case for Custom Lambda Authorization
There are various scenarios where you might need to use a custom Lambda authorizer. One common use case is when you need to create a service-to-service integration and use a shared secret for authentication. In such cases, the Lambda authorizer can validate the shared secret and grant access to the API endpoint.
Another use case is when you have unique authorization requirements that cannot be achieved using the built-in authorization mechanisms provided by API Gateway. For example, you might need to perform complex authorization checks based on user attributes or external data sources. In these situations, a custom Lambda authorizer gives you the flexibility to implement your own authorization logic.
Sample Request Payload Format for API Gateway HTTP API
Before diving into the top API Gateway authorizer solutions, let’s first understand the request payload format for API Gateway HTTP API version 2.0. The request payload includes several fields that provide information about the incoming API request. Here is a breakdown of each field:
- Version: The version of the payload format.
- Type: The type of the payload, which can be “REQUEST” for a regular request or “ROUTE” for a request to a route.
- RouteArn: The ARN of the route associated with the request, if applicable.
- IdentitySource: The source of the identity information for the request.
- Headers: The headers of the request.
- QueryString: The query string parameters of the request.
- PathParameters: The path parameters of the request.
- StageVariables: The stage variables defined for the stage.
- RequestContext: The context of the request, including details about the API, stage, and authorizer.
Understanding the request payload format is essential for configuring the Lambda authorizer correctly and extracting the necessary information to perform authentication and authorization checks.
Response Format for Lambda Authorizer
When the Lambda authorizer function is invoked, it needs to return a response that indicates whether the user is authorized to access the API endpoint. There are two response format options for the Lambda authorizer: the simple response format and the IAM response format.
The simple response format includes a boolean value that indicates whether the user is authorized and an optional context object that can be used to pass additional information to downstream API integrations. The context object can contain custom attributes or data that might be needed for further processing.
The IAM response format is used when you want to provide more granular access control using IAM policies. In this format, the response includes a principalId
, which represents the entity (user or role) making the request. It also includes a policyDocument
, which defines the permissions granted to the principal, and a context
object that contains additional information for the downstream API.
Accessing Context Data Returned by the Authorizer Function
To access the context data returned by the authorizer function, you can use the requestContext
field of the API Gateway request payload. The context data is available under the authorizer
field, which contains the information returned by the Lambda authorizer function.
This context data can be useful for implementing fine-grained authorization logic in your API handlers. For example, you can extract user attributes or permissions from the context and use them to make authorization decisions within your application.
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating the Lambda Authorizer Function
Now let’s dive into the practical aspect of creating a Lambda authorizer function. We’ll use Python 3.8 for our example. Follow the steps below to create the Lambda authorizer function:
- Open the AWS Management Console and go to the Lambda service.
- Click on “Create function”.
- Select “Author from scratch” and enter a name for your function.
- Choose Python 3.8 as the runtime.
- Under the “Permissions” section, expand “Choose or create an execution role”.
- Choose an existing role with the necessary permissions or create a new one.
- Click on “Create function” to create your Lambda function.
Once the function is created, you can start writing the code for your authorizer logic. In our example, we’ll create a Lambda function that uses a shared secret key to authenticate requests. The function calculates an HMAC digest based on the requested URL and compares it with the value in the Authorization header.
Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates this process:
import hashlib
import hmac
def lambda_handler(event, context):
shared_secret = "your-shared-secret"
requested_url = event['requestContext']['http']['path']
authorization_header = event['headers']['Authorization']
hmac_digest =, requested_url.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
if hmac_digest == authorization_header:
return {
"isAuthorized": True,
"context": {
"customAttribute": "some-value"
return {
"isAuthorized": False
In this example, we extract the shared secret, requested URL, and Authorization header from the event object. We then calculate an HMAC digest using the shared secret and the requested URL. If the calculated digest matches the Authorization header, we return an authorized response with a custom attribute in the context object. Otherwise, we return an unauthorized response.
Creating the API Gateway and Configuring Authentication
Now that we have created the Lambda authorizer function, let’s proceed with creating the API Gateway and configuring the authentication.
- Go to the API Gateway service in the AWS Management Console.
- Click on “Create API” and choose the “REST API” option.
- Select the desired settings for your API and click on “Create API” to create the API.
- Under your API, click on “Authorizers” in the left sidebar.
- Click on “Create New Authorizer”.
- Enter a name for your authorizer and choose “Lambda” as the type.
- Select your Lambda function from the list and configure any additional settings.
- Click on “Create” to create the authorizer.
Once the authorizer is created, you can configure it for the desired API endpoints. To do this, follow these steps:
- Under your API, navigate to the desired resource and HTTP method.
- Click on “Method Request” in the left sidebar.
- Click on the pencil icon next to “Authorization”.
- Choose your authorizer from the list and click on the checkmark icon to save the changes.
- Repeat these steps for all the resource and HTTP method combinations that require authentication.
With these configurations in place, your API endpoints will be protected by the Lambda authorizer function, and only authorized users will be able to access them.
Caching in API Gateway
API Gateway provides caching functionality to improve the performance of your API and reduce the load on your backend. By enabling caching for your API endpoints, you can reduce the number of requests forwarded to the backend and improve the response time for repeated requests.
To enable caching in API Gateway and enhance performance, follow these steps:
- Go to the API Gateway service in the AWS Management Console.
- Select your API and navigate to the desired resource and HTTP method.
- Click on “Integration Request” in the left sidebar.
- Expand “HTTP Headers” and click on “Add header”.
- Enter “Cache-Control” as the name and “max-age=300” as the value (adjust the value based on your requirements).
- Click on the checkmark icon to save the changes.
With the caching configuration in place, API Gateway will cache the responses for the configured duration and serve subsequent requests from the cache instead of forwarding them to the backend.
In this article, we have explored the top 10 API Gateway authorizer solutions for enhanced security. We started by understanding the use case for custom Lambda authorization and the scenarios where a Lambda authorizer is needed. We then examined the request payload format for API Gateway HTTP API version 2.0 and the response format for the Lambda authorizer.
We also learned how to access the context data returned by the authorizer function and provided a step-by-step guide to creating the Lambda authorizer function using Python 3.8. We covered the process of creating the API Gateway and configuring authentication using the Lambda authorizer. Finally, we discussed caching in API Gateway and its benefits for performance enhancement.
By following these guidelines and leveraging the power of API Gateway authorizers, you can ensure enhanced security for your APIs and control access to your valuable resources.
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