Top 10 Benefits of Using the TMDB API for Seamless Data Integration

Jennie Lee
11 min readApr 5, 2024

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Introduction to the TMDB API and its Purpose

The TMDB API (The Movie Database API) is a powerful tool for developers looking to integrate movie data into their applications or projects. With the TMDB API, developers can easily access a vast amount of information about movies, including details such as cast and crew, plot summaries, release dates, and even revenue figures. This API provides a seamless way to retrieve and utilize movie data, making it an invaluable resource for developers in the film industry.

Overview of the TMDB API and its features

The TMDB API offers a wide range of features that allow developers to access movie information programmatically. It provides endpoints for searching and retrieving movie details, accessing movie images and artwork, and even updating movie information. The API supports various authentication methods, allowing developers to ensure secure access to data.

With the TMDB API, developers can easily integrate movie data into their applications, websites, or analysis projects. Whether you are building a movie recommendation system, creating a movie database, or conducting data analysis on film revenue, the TMDB API provides a comprehensive solution.

Explanation of how developers can use the API to access movie information

Developers can use the TMDB API to retrieve movie information by making HTTP requests to the API endpoints. The API uses RESTful principles, and data is returned in a structured JSON format. By specifying parameters in the API requests, developers can filter and sort the data to retrieve exactly what they need.

For example, to retrieve information about a specific movie, developers can make a GET request to the /movie/{movie_id} endpoint, where {movie_id} is the unique identifier of the movie. This will return details such as the movie's title, overview, release date, and more.

Importance of retrieving data on film revenue using the TMDB API

One of the key benefits of using the TMDB API is the ability to access data on film revenue. Film revenue is an essential metric for the film industry, as it indicates the success and popularity of a movie. For developers working on movie-related projects, retrieving revenue data can provide valuable insights and allow for data-driven decision-making.

For example, consider the highly acclaimed film “Get Out” released in 2017. It has been one of the most talked-about films in recent years and was the highest-grossing debut film based on an original screenplay. By programmatically retrieving data on the highest-earning American films of 2017, developers can determine how “Get Out” ranked amongst other films and identify the top revenue-generating films of that year.

Knowing the revenue figures can help developers in various ways. It can aid in evaluating the financial success of a movie, providing insights for marketing and distribution strategies, and enabling comparisons between films. By integrating TMDB API and utilizing film revenue data, developers can augment their applications with valuable information and improve the overall user experience.

Retrieving Data on the Highest-Earning American Films of 2017

To demonstrate how to retrieve film revenue data using the TMDB API, let’s walk through a step-by-step tutorial on finding the highest-earning American films of 2017. We will be using Python and several libraries, including requests, pandas, and matplotlib, to make API calls, process data, and visualize the results.

Installation of required Python packages for making API calls

Before we get started, make sure you have the necessary Python packages installed on your system. Open up your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

pip install requests pandas matplotlib

This will install the required packages for making API calls, processing data, and creating visualizations.

Obtaining an API key from TMDB

To access the TMDB API, you need an API key. Follow these steps to obtain one:

  1. Visit the TMDB website at and create an account if you don’t already have one.
  2. Once logged in, go to your account settings by clicking on your profile icon and selecting “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the settings menu, click on the “API” tab.
  4. Scroll down to the “Create” section and click on the “Create” button to generate a new API key.
  5. Your API key will be created and displayed. Make sure to copy the key and keep it secure, as you will need it in your API requests.

Making an API call to retrieve data on films released in 2017

Now that we have our API key, let’s make an API call to retrieve data on the highest-earning American films of 2017. We will be using Python’s requests library to make the HTTP request to the TMDB API.

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to make the API call:

import requests

url = ""
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

payload = {
"api_key": api_key,
"language": "en-US",
"sort_by": "revenue.desc",
"primary_release_year": 2017,
"with_original_language": "en",
"with_production_countries": "US",
"page": 1

response = requests.get(url, params=payload)
data = response.json()


In the above code snippet, we construct the API request URL and include the necessary parameters. We provide our API key, specify the language as English, sort the movies by descending revenue, filter by the primary release year of 2017, and limit the results to movies with the original language and production country as English and the United States, respectively. We also specify the page number to retrieve the data.

We then make a GET request to the URL using requests.get(), passing the payload as the params parameter. The response is stored in the response variable, and we retrieve the JSON data using response.json().

Extracting and storing relevant data in a dataframe

Once we have the JSON data from the API response, we can extract the relevant information and store it in a dataframe for further processing and analysis. We will be using the pandas library to work with dataframes.

Here’s how we can extract the relevant data and store it in a dataframe:

import pandas as pd

movies = data["results"]

df = pd.DataFrame(movies, columns=["title", "revenue"])

In the code snippet above, we access the “results” key in the JSON data, which contains an array of movie objects. We assign this array to the movies variable. We then create a dataframe using pd.DataFrame() and provide the list of movies along with the desired column names. In this case, we are interested in the movie title and revenue, so we specify the columns as "title" and "revenue".

Finally, we print the dataframe to see the extracted data.

Using matplotlib to create a horizontal bar chart to visualize revenue

Now that we have the movie data stored in a dataframe, we can use the matplotlib library to create visualizations. Let's create a horizontal bar chart to visualize the revenue earned by each film.

Here’s the code snippet to create the bar chart:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.barh(df["title"], df["revenue"])
plt.xlabel("Revenue (in billions)")
plt.ylabel("Movie Title")
plt.title("Highest-Earning American Films of 2017")

In the above code snippet, we use plt.barh() to create the horizontal bar chart. We pass the movie titles as the y parameter and the revenue values as the height parameter. We then set the x-axis label, y-axis label, and chart title using plt.xlabel(), plt.ylabel(), and plt.title() respectively. Finally, we display the chart using

Running the code will generate a horizontal bar chart that displays the revenue earned by each film, allowing for easy comparison and visualization of the top-earning films of 2017.

Finding the Highest-Earning American Films of All Time

Now that we have seen how to retrieve and visualize data on the highest-earning American films of 2017, let’s expand our analysis and find the highest-earning American films of all time. The process is similar to what we did earlier, but we will not specify the release year parameter to retrieve data across all years.

Making a similar API call as the previous section, but without the release year parameter

To retrieve data on the highest-earning American films of all time, we need to make a similar API call as before, but without specifying the release year parameter.

Here’s an example code snippet for making the API call:

payload = {
"api_key": api_key,
"language": "en-US",
"sort_by": "revenue.desc",
"with_original_language": "en",
"with_production_countries": "US",
"page": 1

response = requests.get(url, params=payload)
data = response.json()

We use the same url and payload as before, but without the primary_release_year parameter. The rest of the code remains the same.

Extracting and storing the data in a dataframe

After making the API call and obtaining the JSON data, we can extract and store the relevant information in a dataframe.

Here’s the code snippet to extract and store the data:

movies = data["results"]

df = pd.DataFrame(movies, columns=["title", "revenue"])

The code is exactly the same as before, as we are extracting the same data attributes, namely the movie title and revenue. We create a new dataframe with the extracted data and print it to verify the results.

Calculating gross profit by subtracting the budget from the revenue

To enhance our analysis, let’s calculate the gross profit for each film by subtracting the budget from the revenue. The budget information is available in the API response, so we can use that to perform the calculation.

Here’s the code snippet to calculate gross profit and update the dataframe:

df["budget"] = [movie.get("budget", 0) for movie in movies]
df["gross_profit"] = df["revenue"] - df["budget"]

In the above code, we use a list comprehension to extract the budget from each movie object. If the budget is not available, we default it to 0. We then calculate the gross profit by subtracting the budget from the revenue and store it in a new column called “gross_profit”.

Updating the dataframe to include the gross profit column

Finally, let’s further update the dataframe to include the calculated gross profit column.

Here’s the code snippet to update the dataframe:

df = df[["title", "revenue", "budget", "gross_profit"]]

In the code snippet above, we select the columns we are interested in keeping, namely “title”, “revenue”, “budget”, and “gross_profit”. We then assign the updated dataframe back to the variable df and print it to verify the changes.

At this point, we have the movie data for the highest-earning American films of all time, along with the corresponding revenue, budget, and gross profit.

Creating Visualizations to Analyze Film Revenue and Gross Profit

Now that we have the movie data with revenue and gross profit information, let’s create visualizations to further analyze and gain insights from the data.

Introduction to matplotlib and its usage in data visualization

Matplotlib is a powerful data visualization library for Python. It provides numerous functions and options to create various types of plots, including bar charts, line plots, scatter plots, and more. We will be using matplotlib to create bar plots to visualize revenue and gross profit for each film.

Creating a bar chart to display revenue and gross profit for each film

Let’s start by creating a bar chart to display the revenue and gross profit for each film. We will use subplots to show the two bar charts side by side.

Here’s the code snippet to create the bar chart:

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))

axes[0].barh(df["title"], df["revenue"], color="green")
axes[0].set_xlabel("Revenue (in billions)")
axes[0].set_ylabel("Movie Title")
axes[0].set_title("Film Revenue")

axes[1].barh(df["title"], df["gross_profit"], color="orange")
axes[1].set_xlabel("Gross Profit (in billions)")
axes[1].set_ylabel("Movie Title")
axes[1].set_title("Gross Profit")


In the code snippet, we create a figure with two subplots using plt.subplots(). The figsize parameter determines the size of the figure. In this case, we set it to (12, 6) to create a larger horizontal figure.

We then create the first bar chart in the left subplot using axes[0].barh(). We pass the movie titles as the y parameter, the revenue as the height parameter, and specify the color as green. We set the x-axis label, y-axis label, and chart title using axes[0].set_xlabel(), axes[0].set_ylabel(), and axes[0].set_title() respectively.

Similarly, we create the second bar chart in the right subplot using axes[1].barh(). We pass the gross profit as the height parameter and specify the color as orange. We set the x-axis label, y-axis label, and chart title using the appropriate axes methods.

Finally, we call plt.tight_layout() to ensure proper spacing between the subplots, and then display the chart using

Customizing the chart to include film names and corresponding revenue amounts

To enhance the readability of the bar chart, let’s customize it to include the film names and the corresponding revenue amounts next to each bar.

Here’s the modified code snippet:

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))

axes[0].barh(df["title"], df["revenue"], color="green")
axes[0].set_xlabel("Revenue (in billions)")
axes[0].set_ylabel("Movie Title")
axes[0].set_title("Film Revenue")

for i, (title, revenue) in enumerate(zip(df["title"], df["revenue"])):
axes[0].text(revenue, i, f"${revenue / 1e9:.2f}b")

axes[1].barh(df["title"], df["gross_profit"], color="orange")
axes[1].set_xlabel("Gross Profit (in billions)")
axes[1].set_ylabel("Movie Title")
axes[1].set_title("Gross Profit")

for i, (title, profit) in enumerate(zip(df["title"], df["gross_profit"])):
axes[1].text(profit, i, f"${profit / 1e9:.2f}b")


In the modified code, we iterate over the movie titles and revenue using enumerate() and the zip() function. For each movie, we use axes[0].text() to display the revenue amount next to the corresponding bar. We format the revenue as a currency value using f-strings and divide it by 1 billion to provide a more readable representation.

We do the same for the second subplot, where we iterate over the movie titles and gross profit and display the profit amount next to each bar.

Running the modified code will generate a bar chart that includes film names and corresponding revenue or gross profit amounts, providing a clear visualization of the data.

Generating a scatter plot to explore the relationship between budget and gross profit

In addition to bar charts, we can also use matplotlib to create scatter plots and explore relationships between different variables. Let’s generate a scatter plot to investigate the relationship between the budget and gross profit of the films.

Here’s the code snippet to create the scatter plot:

plt.scatter(df["budget"], df["gross_profit"])
plt.xlabel("Budget (in millions)")
plt.ylabel("Gross Profit (in billions)")
plt.title("Budget vs. Gross Profit")

In the above code, we use plt.scatter() to create the scatter plot. We pass the budget as the x parameter and the gross profit as the y parameter. We set the x-axis label, y-axis label, and chart title using plt.xlabel(), plt.ylabel(), and plt.title() respectively. Finally, we display the scatter plot using

This scatter plot allows us to visualize the relationship between the budget and gross profit of the films. We can observe any patterns or trends that indicate how the budget invested in a film relates to its resulting gross profit.

Limitations and Recommendations for Further Analysis

While the TMDB API and the visualizations created provide valuable insights into film revenue and gross profit, it is important to consider their limitations.

One limitation is that the revenue and budget figures provided by the TMDB API do not account for inflation. Adjusting for inflation is crucial when comparing revenue and budget figures across different years, as the value of money changes over time. To perform more accurate analysis, it is recommended to incorporate inflation-adjusted values when working with long-term data.

Another limitation is that the revenue and gross profit figures are not adjusted for other factors such as marketing and distribution costs. These factors can significantly impact the financial success of a film. Incorporating additional data, such as marketing and distribution expenses, can provide a more comprehensive analysis of a film’s profitability.

It is also worth noting that the highest-earning films of all time may be skewed towards more recent releases, as the revenue figures tend to increase over time due to factors such as inflation and expanding movie markets. When working with all-time data, it is important to consider the weighting of more recent films and take into account the changing landscape of the film industry.

In conclusion, the TMDB API offers a seamless way to access movie data, including revenue and budget figures, for analysis and integration into applications. By utilizing Python and libraries such as requests, pandas, and matplotlib, developers can retrieve, process, and visualize movie data in a meaningful way. However, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of the data and consider additional factors when performing comprehensive analyses.

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