Top 10 Cypress API Testing Solutions for Effective Testing

Jennie Lee
5 min readMar 16, 2024


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Introduction to Cypress and API Testing

Cypress has gained popularity in the testing community due to its robust capabilities and user-friendly interface. With Cypress, developers and testers can create a complete API testing project from scratch. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of API testing with Cypress and understand how it can be an effective solution.

Benefits of Using Cypress for API Testing

Before diving into the technical aspects, let’s take a moment to understand why Cypress is a preferred choice for API testing.

  1. User-friendly interface: Cypress provides a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for developers and testers to write, debug, and maintain API tests.
  2. Fast execution: Cypress is built on JavaScript and runs directly in the browser. It eliminates the need for setting up additional dependencies or virtual servers, resulting in faster test execution.
  3. Real-time reload: With Cypress, developers can view the changes made to the API tests in real-time. The browser automatically reloads whenever a change is detected, allowing for quick iterations.
  4. Powerful debugging: Cypress provides a powerful interactive test runner that allows developers to debug their API tests using features like time-travel, snapshots, and real-time code modifications.
  5. Extensive documentation: Cypress has comprehensive documentation and a vast community that actively supports it. This ensures that developers can easily find solutions to any challenges they encounter during API testing.

Now that we have discussed the benefits of using Cypress for API testing, let’s move on to the prerequisites for setting up a Cypress API testing project.

Prerequisites for Setting up a Cypress API Testing Project

To get started with Cypress API testing, you need to have the following tools and technologies installed on your machine:

  1. VSCode: A lightweight and powerful source code editor that provides excellent support for JavaScript and TypeScript.
  2. Git/GitHub: Version control system and code collaboration platform that allows for easy management of code repositories.
  3. NPM: The package manager for JavaScript. It is used to install and manage the dependencies required for the Cypress project.
  4. NodeJS: A JavaScript runtime environment that allows you to execute JavaScript code outside of a browser.

Once you have these prerequisites fulfilled, you can proceed to create a repository on GitHub for your Cypress API testing project.

Creating a Cypress Project

To create a Cypress project, follow these steps:

  1. Start a new node project: Open your preferred terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you want to create your project. Run the following command to initialize a new node project:
npm init -y

This command creates a new package.json file that will track the dependencies and configuration of your project.

  1. Install Cypress as a dev dependency: Run the following command to install Cypress as a dev dependency in your project:
npm install cypress --save-dev

This command installs Cypress and its dependencies in your project’s node_modules directory.

  1. Modify the package.json file for Cypress configuration: Open the package.json file in a text editor and modify the scripts section as follows:
"scripts": {
"cypress:open": "cypress open"

This script allows you to open the Cypress Test Runner by running the command npm run cypress:open in the terminal.

Now that we have set up the Cypress project, let’s move on to writing our first API test.

Writing the First Test in Cypress

Cypress uses the Mocha testing framework for structuring tests. A basic test structure consists of test suites created using the describe() function, test contexts created using the context() function, and individual test cases created using the it() function.

Let’s go through the steps to write a basic API test in Cypress:

  1. Create a new file: In the root directory of your Cypress project, create a new file named api.spec.js.
  2. Import the required dependencies: In the api.spec.js file, import the cy object from Cypress using the following code:
import { cy } from 'cypress'
  1. Write test suites, contexts, and cases: Use the describe(), context(), and it() functions to organize your API tests. For example:
describe('API Tests', () => {
context('Users API', () => {
it('should return a list of users', () => {
// Write your test code here
  1. Make API requests using cy.request(): Inside the test case, use the cy.request() function to make API requests. Here's an example:
cy.request('GET', '/users').then((response) => {
// Handle the response here
  1. Use .should() function for assertions: After receiving the response, you can use the .should() function to make assertions on the response body. Here's an example:
cy.request('GET', '/users').then((response) => {

These assertions check if the response status is 200 and if the response body is an array with a length of 3.

Now that we have written our first API test in Cypress, let’s proceed to push the code to our GitHub repository.

Pushing Code to GitHub Repository

To push the code to your GitHub repository, follow these steps:

  1. Add unnecessary files to .gitignore: Open the .gitignore file in your project's root directory and add any files or directories that you don't want to include in your repository. This could include files like node_modules, .env, or any other files specific to your development environment.
  2. Use git commands to add, commit, and push changes: Run the following commands in your terminal to add, commit, and push the changes to your remote repository:
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push origin main

Now your code is successfully pushed to your GitHub repository.

Next Steps and Continued Learning

Congratulations! You have successfully set up a Cypress API testing project and written your first API test. This article is just the beginning of our journey into API testing with Cypress. In the upcoming articles in this series, we will cover topics like creating more complex tests, expanding our API testing project, and setting up a CI pipeline with GitHub Actions.

Stay tuned for more tutorials and guides that will help you become proficient in Cypress API testing. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment below. Happy testing!

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Jennie Lee
Jennie Lee

Written by Jennie Lee

Software Testing Blogger, #API Testing

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