Top 10 Goodreads API Features and Benefits

Jennie Lee
6 min readApr 11, 2024


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Introduction to Goodreads API and 11ty

Goodreads is a popular social cataloging website that allows users to track their reading progress, discover new books, and connect with other readers. One of the key features of Goodreads is the ability to create and manage a virtual bookshelf, where users can keep track of the books they have read, are currently reading, or want to read in the future.

For many readers, it would be beneficial to display their Goodreads bookshelf on their personal website or blog. This can provide a way to showcase their reading interests and recommendations to their audience. However, Goodreads does not provide a direct way to embed their bookshelf on external websites.

This is where the Goodreads API comes into play. The Goodreads API provides a set of endpoints that developers can use to access and interact with various data from Goodreads. By utilizing the Goodreads API, developers can retrieve information about books, authors, reviews, ratings, and more.

To create the online bookshelf, we will be using 11ty, a popular static site generator. 11ty allows us to build static HTML pages from dynamic data, making it a perfect fit for integrating the Goodreads API into our website.

Getting Started with Goodreads API

Before we can start using the Goodreads API, we need to create a new branch in our Git project. This will allow us to work on the integration of the API without affecting our main codebase.

The next step is to obtain an API key from Goodreads. The API key is required to authenticate our requests and access the API features. To obtain the API key, we need to sign in to our Goodreads account and go to the API Developer page. From there, we can apply for an API key by providing some basic information about our project.

It is important to keep our API key secret and not share it publicly. To ensure the security of our API key, we can use a .env file to store it securely. By using the dotenv package, we can load the API key from the .env file and access it as an environment variable in our code.

To get started, let’s install the necessary packages and dependencies by running the following command in the terminal:

npm install dotenv node-fetch

Making HTTP Requests to the Goodreads API

Once we have obtained the API key and installed the necessary packages, we can start making HTTP requests to the Goodreads API. The Goodreads API provides several endpoints that we can utilize to access different types of information.

To send HTTP requests and retrieve data from the Goodreads API, we will be using the node-fetch package. The node-fetch package provides a simple and efficient way to make HTTP requests in Node.js.

Here is an example of how to make a GET request to retrieve data from the Goodreads API:

const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const apiKey = process.env.GOODREADS_API_KEY;
const userId = 'your_goodreads_user_id';

const url = `${userId}.xml?key=${apiKey}`;

.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
// Parse the XML response and extract the relevant data
.catch(error => {

In this example, we are making a GET request to the Goodreads API to retrieve the list of books on our bookshelf. We are passing the API key and our Goodreads user id as query parameters in the URL.

The response from the API is in XML format. To extract the relevant data from the XML response, we need to parse it into JavaScript objects. We will be using the xml2js package for parsing XML data.

Parsing XML Response with xml2js

To parse the XML response received from the Goodreads API, we can use the xml2js package. The xml2js package provides a simple and effective way to convert XML data into JavaScript objects.

To get started, let’s install the xml2js package by running the following command in the terminal:

npm install xml2js

Once the package is installed, we can parse the XML response as follows:

const xml2js = require('xml2js');

const xml = `
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title><![CDATA[The Great Gatsby]]></title>
<name><![CDATA[F. Scott Fitzgerald]]></name>

xml2js.parseString(xml, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
} else {
const bookTitle =[0].review[0].book[0].title[0];
const authorName =[0].review[0].book[0].author[0].name[0];
const averageRating =[0].review[0].book[0].average_rating[0];

console.log(`Title: ${bookTitle}`);
console.log(`Author: ${authorName}`);
console.log(`Average Rating: ${averageRating}`);

In this example, we have an XML response that contains information about a book. We use the xml2js package to parse the XML data and extract the relevant information, such as the book title, author name, and average rating.

With the parsed data, we can store it in an array of objects or use it to generate HTML templates to display the book information on our website. We can iterate over the array of objects and generate HTML templates using a templating language like nunjucks.

Displaying Data on the Website with nunjucks

To display the data retrieved from the Goodreads API on our website, we can use a templating language like nunjucks. Nunjucks allows us to generate dynamic HTML templates by combining HTML markup with variables, expressions, and control statements.

To get started with nunjucks, let’s install the nunjucks package by running the following command in the terminal:

npm install nunjucks

Once the package is installed, we can create a nunjucks template to generate HTML for each book in our bookshelf. Here is an example of how the template may look:

{% for book in bookshelf %}
<div class="book">
<img src="{{ book.coverImage }}" alt="{{ book.title }}">
<h3>{{ book.title }}</h3>
<p>Author: {{ }}</p>
<p>Average Rating: {{ book.averageRating }}</p>
<a href="{{ }}">View on Goodreads</a>
{% endfor %}

In this template, we are utilizing a for loop to iterate over the array of book objects. For each book, we generate HTML markup that displays the cover image, title, author name, average rating, and a link to view the book on Goodreads.

To render the nunjucks template and display it on our website, we can use the following code:

const nunjucks = require('nunjucks');

const bookshelfData = [
title: 'The Great Gatsby',
author: 'F. Scott Fitzgerald',
averageRating: '3.9',
coverImage: '',
link: ''
// ...

nunjucks.configure('.', { autoescape: true });

const template = nunjucks.render('bookshelf.njk', { bookshelf: bookshelfData });


In this example, we have an array of book objects that contain the relevant data we retrieved from the Goodreads API. We configure nunjucks to search for templates in the current directory and enable autoescaping for security. We use the nunjucks.render method to render the bookshelf.njk template and pass in the bookshelf data as a variable.

The resulting HTML template is logged to the console, but in a real scenario, we would typically send this HTML to the client or include it in our website’s pages.


Using the Goodreads API and 11ty, we can create an online bookshelf that displays our Goodreads bookshelf on our personal website or blog. By making HTTP requests to the Goodreads API, parsing the XML response, and utilizing a templating language like nunjucks, we can retrieve and display the relevant book information.

In this article, we covered the primary steps to get started with the Goodreads API, including obtaining an API key, sending HTTP requests, and parsing XML responses. We also explored how to display the bookshelf data on a website using nunjucks.

Further enhancements could include automatically updating the website when new books are added to our Goodreads account or adding search functionality to find books based on specific criteria.

If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions, feel free to reach out!

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Jennie Lee
Jennie Lee

Written by Jennie Lee

Software Testing Blogger, #API Testing

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