Top 10 Solutions for GitHub API Rate Limit Issues

Jennie Lee
6 min readMar 25, 2024


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Exceeding the rate limit when using the GitHub API can be a frustrating experience for developers. Rate limiting is an essential mechanism put in place to control the amount of traffic and load on the GitHub API servers. It is designed to ensure the reliability and performance of the API, as well as to prevent abuse or misuse. In this article, we will explore the top 10 solutions for GitHub API rate limit issues, allowing developers to effectively manage their rate limit usage and avoid disruptions in their workflow.

Understanding GitHub API Rate Limit

The GitHub API rate limit sets a cap on the number of requests you can make per hour to the API. This rate limit applies to different categories of requests such as unauthenticated requests, authenticated requests, and requests made by GitHub Apps. The default rate limit for unauthenticated requests is set to 60 requests per hour, while authenticated requests have a higher rate limit.

The rate limit is enforced by the API server, and if you exceed the limit, you will receive a 403 Forbidden response. This means that you won’t be able to make any more requests until the rate limit resets.

Checking Rate Limit Status

To check your rate limit status, you can make a GET request to the /rate_limit endpoint. This endpoint allows you to retrieve information about your current rate limit status without counting against your rate limit quota.

Here’s an example of how to check your rate limit status using cURL:

curl -i

The response will include information about the rate limit for different categories of requests. It provides details such as the limit (maximum number of requests allowed per hour), the remaining requests (the number of requests remaining within the current hour), and the reset time (the time when the rate limit will reset).

Monitoring Rate Limit Status

In addition to checking your rate limit status explicitly, you can also monitor it dynamically after each API request by inspecting the x-ratelimit response headers. These headers provide information about your rate limit usage, allowing you to track your remaining requests and plan your requests accordingly.

The x-ratelimit-limit header indicates the maximum number of requests allowed per hour, while the x-ratelimit-remaining header shows the number of requests remaining within the current hour. The x-ratelimit-reset header provides the timestamp when the rate limit will reset.

You can examine these headers in the response of any API request you make to GitHub. For example, using Python’s requests library:

import requests

response = requests.get('')
rate_limit_remaining = response.headers['x-ratelimit-remaining']
rate_limit_reset = response.headers['x-ratelimit-reset']

print(f"Remaining requests: {rate_limit_remaining}")
print(f"Rate limit reset time: {rate_limit_reset}")

By monitoring these headers, you can stay aware of your rate limit usage and make necessary adjustments to avoid exceeding the limit.

Best Practices to Avoid Exceeding Rate Limit

To ensure you don’t exceed the rate limit and encounter errors, it is crucial to follow best practices when working with the GitHub API. Here are some recommended approaches:

1. Use Conditional Requests and Caching

To avoid unnecessary API requests and optimize your rate limit usage, make use of conditional requests and caching. Conditional requests allow you to retrieve a resource only if it has been modified since a specific timestamp, reducing the number of API calls made.

By setting the If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match headers in your requests, you can take advantage of GitHub's ETag-based caching system. If the resource hasn't been modified, GitHub will return a 304 Not Modified response, saving both bandwidth and rate limit usage.

2. Utilize Webhooks Instead of Polling

Instead of continuously polling the GitHub API to check for updates, consider utilizing webhooks. Webhooks allow you to receive real-time notifications when specific events occur, reducing the need for frequent API requests. This approach can greatly help in conserving your rate limit and improving the efficiency of your application.

3. Choose the Appropriate Authentication Method

By default, unauthenticated requests have a lower rate limit compared to authenticated requests. Therefore, it is recommended to use authentication whenever possible to benefit from the higher rate limits.

GitHub provides various authentication methods, such as personal access tokens, OAuth apps, and GitHub apps. Choose the method that suits your use case and gives you the necessary rate limit access.

4. Respect the Retry-After Header

If you encounter a rate limit error, GitHub API returns a 403 Forbidden response along with a Retry-After header indicating the duration in seconds to wait before making additional requests. It is crucial to honor this header and wait until the specified time has passed before making further requests to avoid further rate limit violations.

Authenticated Requests and Rate Limit

When making authenticated requests to the GitHub API, you benefit from a significantly higher rate limit compared to unauthenticated requests. Authenticated requests also allow access to additional endpoints and resources that may not be available to unauthenticated users.

However, it is important to note that different authentication methods have their limitations and advantages. Personal access tokens, OAuth apps, and GitHub apps have their own rate limits and scopes of access. Therefore, choose the appropriate authentication method based on your specific requirements and rate limit needs.

Authentication Methods for GitHub API

GitHub provides several authentication methods that allow you to access the API with different levels of authorization and rate limits. Here’s an overview of the main authentication methods:

Personal Access Token

A personal access token is a string of characters that can be used as an alternative to a password when making API requests. To create a personal access token, you can go to your GitHub Account Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Tokens.

Here’s an example of how to authenticate using a personal access token in cURL:

curl -i -u username:token

OAuth App

OAuth is a widely used authorization framework that allows third-party applications to access user resources by obtaining permission. Creating an OAuth app on GitHub involves registering your application and obtaining a client ID and client secret.

Once you have the client ID and client secret, you can follow the OAuth flow to authenticate your requests. For example, using the requests_oauthlib library in Python:

from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session

client_id = 'your_client_id'
client_secret = 'your_client_secret'
authorization_base_url = ''
redirect_uri = ''

oauth = OAuth2Session(client_id)
authorization_url, state = oauth.authorization_url(authorization_base_url)

# Redirect user to `authorization_url` and obtain the authorization code

token = oauth.fetch_token(

# Use the `token` to make authenticated requests

GitHub App

GitHub Apps are intended for more seamless integration with GitHub’s platform and APIs. Creating a GitHub app involves generating a private key and registering your application.

To make authenticated requests as a GitHub app, you need to obtain an installation access token using the app’s private key. Here’s an example in Node.js using the @octokit/rest.js library:

const { App } = require("@octokit/app");
const { Octokit } = require("@octokit/rest");

const app = new App({ id: YOUR_APP_ID, privateKey: YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY });

app.getInstallationAccessToken({ installationId: YOUR_INSTALLATION_ID })
.then(({ token }) => {
const octokit = new Octokit({ auth: token });

// Use the `octokit` instance to make authenticated requests

In conclusion, managing the rate limit when working with the GitHub API is crucial to ensure the smooth functioning of your application. By monitoring your rate limit status, following best practices, and utilizing the appropriate authentication method, you can effectively avoid rate limit issues and optimize your API usage.

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Jennie Lee
Jennie Lee

Written by Jennie Lee

Software Testing Blogger, #API Testing

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