Top 10 Solutions for Implementing Beacon API in Websites

Jennie Lee
5 min readMar 31, 2024

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Introduction to the Beacon API

The Beacon API is a web API that allows developers to implement analytics and diagnostics functionalities into their applications. It provides a way to capture data before a user leaves or navigates away from a page, which is particularly useful for recording user interactions and sending them to the server for further analysis. The Beacon API fills the gap left by other methods like fetch or XMLHttpRequest, which do not have proper support for capturing data before a user navigates away.

Analytics and diagnostics functionalities are essential for understanding how users interact with a website or application. They provide valuable insights into user behavior, which can be used to optimize the user experience, track performance metrics, and identify and fix bugs. By implementing the Beacon API, developers can easily capture and send this data to a backend server, enabling them to analyze and derive meaningful conclusions from it.

Other methods like fetch or XMLHttpRequest have limitations when it comes to capturing data before a user leaves a page. These methods rely on the user initiating a request, and therefore, if the user navigates away or refreshes the page, the request may not be completed. The Beacon API offers a better solution by providing a sendBeacon() method that can be used to send data asynchronously and ensure that it is delivered to the server before the user leaves the page.

Objectives of the Project

The main objectives of this project are:

  1. Creating a backend server to capture analytics data.
  2. Tracking user clicks and recording them with timestamps.
  3. Storing the generated data in a global object for further processing.
  4. Using the Beacon API’s sendBeacon() method to send the data to the backend before the user leaves or refreshes the page.

By achieving these objectives, developers can gain valuable insights into user interactions, track performance metrics, and diagnose and fix issues in their applications.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up the Project

This section will provide a step-by-step guide to setting up the project that implements the Beacon API for capturing analytics data. The guide will cover all the necessary steps, from installing and cloning the project files to setting up the backend server and implementing the client-side code.

A. Installing and Cloning the Project Files

  1. Make sure Node.js is installed on your system. You can download it from
  2. Clone the project files from GitHub using the following command:
git clone

B. Setting Up the Backend Server

  1. Navigate to the start folder in the project using the command line.
cd project/start
  1. Install the necessary dependencies by running the following command:
npm install
  1. Set up a basic Express server in the server.js file. This file will handle the HTTP requests and responses.
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');


app.listen(3000, () =>
console.log('Server is running on port 3000')

C. Serving the Frontend

  1. Serve the index.html file to the frontend using the express static middleware in the server.js file.

D. Capturing User Clicks and Timestamps

  1. Create an analytics.js file in the public folder.
  2. Implement a function to capture user clicks and timestamps in the analytics.js file.
function captureClick(event) {
const timestamp = new Date().toISOString();
const element =;

// Store the captured data in a global object for further processing
data.push({ timestamp, element });
  1. Tie the captureClick function to the window.onload and window.unload events to capture user clicks and timestamps when the page loads and unloads.
window.onload = function() {
document.addEventListener('click', captureClick);

window.onunload = function() {
document.removeEventListener('click', captureClick);

E. Checking Compatibility and Defining URL

  1. Check if the browser supports the Beacon API’s sendBeacon() method.
if (navigator.sendBeacon) {
console.log('Beacon API is supported');
} else {
console.log('Beacon API is not supported');
  1. Define the URL to send the analytics data to the backend in the analytics.js file.
const backendURL = 'http://localhost:3000/analytics';

F. Sending Data to the Backend

  1. Create an empty array to hold the captured data globally.
const data = [];
  1. Create a Blob object to hold the stringified JSON data in the analytics.js file.
const dataBlob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data)], { type: 'application/json' });
  1. Use the Beacon API’s sendBeacon() method to send the data to the backend before the user leaves or refreshes the page.
window.onunload = function() {
navigator.sendBeacon(backendURL, dataBlob);
  1. Create the /analytics endpoint in the server.js file to receive the analytics data from the frontend.'/analytics', (req, res) => {
const analyticsData = req.body;

// Log the received data and send response status
  1. Use the body-parser middleware to parse the JSON data from the request body in the server.js file.
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

  1. Test the implementation by starting the backend server using the following command:
node server.js

Congratulations! You have successfully set up the project and implemented the Beacon API for capturing analytics data. You can now track user clicks, record them with timestamps, store the data in a global object, and send it to the backend using the Beacon API’s sendBeacon() method.

Additional Challenges and Ideas

Once you have implemented the basic functionality of the Beacon API, you can further enhance your project by taking on some additional challenges and ideas:

  • Separate the business logic into separate files for better organization and maintainability.
  • Add unique sessions to track user interactions across multiple pages or sessions.
  • Improve the way elements are retrieved in the captureClick() function by using CSS selectors or other methods.
  • Create a pop-up or modal for users to accept or decline tracking before capturing their clicks.
  • Implement additional analytics metrics like scroll depth, time on page, or page load time.
  • Integrate the captured analytics data with popular analytics platforms like Google Analytics or Mixpanel.

By exploring these challenges and ideas, you can further expand the functionality and usefulness of your Beacon API implementation.

In conclusion, the Beacon API provides a powerful solution for implementing analytics and diagnostics functionalities into web applications. By following this step-by-step guide, you have learned how to set up a project, capture user clicks and timestamps, store the data in a global object, and use the Beacon API’s sendBeacon() method to send the data to a backend server. With this knowledge, you can start tracking user interactions, analyzing performance metrics, and improving the user experience of your applications.

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