Top 10 Solutions for Integrating Notion API

Jennie Lee
6 min readApr 2, 2024

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Introduction to Notion as a Component-Based Note-Taking App

Notion is a versatile and powerful note-taking app that has gained popularity for its unique component-based approach. With Notion, users can create and organize their notes, tasks, calendars, files, and more, all in one place.

Notion offers a range of features and functionalities that make it a valuable tool for individuals and teams alike. Its flexibility allows users to customize their workspace to suit their preferences and needs. From creating simple to-do lists to managing complex projects, Notion provides a seamless experience for capturing and organizing information.

Notion API: Extending the Functionality

In addition to its built-in capabilities, Notion also offers an API (Application Programming Interface) that enables developers to integrate Notion into their own applications and extend its functionality. With the Notion API, developers can access and interact with Notion’s database, retrieve data, create new entries, and more.

By leveraging the Notion API, developers can create powerful integrations that enhance productivity and streamline workflows. Notion can act as a central source of truth, serving as a database for various applications. For example, a project management tool can sync tasks and deadlines with Notion, or a content management system can retrieve blog articles from Notion and publish them on a website.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to integrating Notion with other tools and applications. In this tutorial, we will explore the top 10 solutions for integrating the Notion API, starting with obtaining an API key.

Obtaining an API Key for Notion Integration

To access the Notion API, you need to obtain an API key. The API key acts as a token that grants access to your Notion workspace. Obtaining an API key is a straightforward process that involves becoming an admin of a workspace or creating a new workspace.

  1. To become an admin of a workspace, ask the existing admin to give you admin access. If you want to create a new workspace, go to and sign up for a new account.
  2. Once you have admin access to a workspace, go to the Notion integrations page. You can find it by clicking on your profile icon in the top-right corner of the Notion app and selecting “Integrations” from the dropdown menu.
  3. On the integrations page, click the “+ New integration” button to create a new integration.
  4. Give your integration a name and, optionally, a description.
  5. Copy the “Internal Integration Token” that is generated for your integration. This token acts as your API key and will be used to authenticate API requests.

With the API key in hand, you’re ready to start integrating Notion into your applications.

Making a Notion Database Available for Integration

Notion databases provide a structured way to store and organize data within Notion. However, by default, databases are not accessible to integrations via the Notion API. To make a database available for integration, you need to explicitly provide access.

To find the ID of the database you want to integrate, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Notion app and navigate to the database you want to use.
  2. Once you’re in the database view, copy the URL from the address bar of your browser.
  3. The URL should look something like this: The alphanumeric characters at the end of the URL represent the unique ID of the database.

Keep this database ID handy as we’ll be using it later when querying the database using the Notion API.

Querying a Notion Database Using the Notion API

Now that you have your API key and the database ID, let’s dive into querying a Notion database using the Notion API.

The Notion API follows the RESTful design principles, allowing you to access and manipulate Notion data through HTTP requests. To make API requests, you can use several API clients, such as Insomnia, Postman, or your preferred programming language’s HTTP library.

In this tutorial, we’ll be using Insomnia, a popular open-source API client, to demonstrate querying a Notion database.

Setting Up Insomnia

  1. Install Insomnia from the official website:
  2. Launch Insomnia and create a new workspace by clicking on the “+” button next to the “Workspace” dropdown.
  3. Give your workspace a name, such as “Notion API.”
  4. Now, let’s create a new request within the workspace. Click on the “+” button next to the “Workspace” dropdown and select “New Request.”

Querying the Database Structure

Now that we have Insomnia set up, let’s explore how to query the structure of a Notion database using the Notion API.

  1. In Insomnia, enter a request name, such as “Get Database Structure.”
  2. Set the request method to POST.
  3. Enter the request URL as{DATABASE_ID}. Replace {DATABASE_ID} with the actual ID of your Notion database.
  4. In the “Headers” section, add two headers:
  • Authorization with the value Bearer {API_KEY}, where {API_KEY} is your Notion API key.
  • Notion-Version with the value 2021-05-13 (or the latest version available).
  1. Finally, click on the “Send” button to make the request.

Retrieving Table Properties

After querying the database structure, you can retrieve the properties of the table, such as column names and types.

  1. On the response pane in Insomnia, you’ll see the JSON response representing the structure of your Notion database. Take note of the properties you want to retrieve.
  2. To retrieve the properties, you need to modify the request URL slightly. Append /properties to the end of the URL, resulting in{DATABASE_ID}/properties.
  3. Update the request method to GET.
  4. Again, click on the “Send” button to make the request and retrieve the properties of the table.

Querying Actual Data

Now that you have the structure and properties of the table, you can query the actual data within the Notion database.

  1. Open a new request in Insomnia and give it a name, such as “Get Database Data.”
  2. Set the request method to POST.
  3. Enter the request URL as{DATABASE_ID}/query. Replace {DATABASE_ID} with the actual ID of your Notion database.
  4. In the “Headers” section, add the same two headers as before:
  • Authorization with the value Bearer {API_KEY}, where {API_KEY} is your Notion API key.
  • Notion-Version with the value 2021-05-13 (or the latest version available).
  1. In the request body, specify the properties you want to retrieve. For example:
  • { "filter": {}, "sorts": [ { "property": "Name", "direction": "ascending" } ] }
  1. This example specifies an empty filter (to retrieve all data) and sorts the results by the “Name” column in ascending order.
  2. Click on the “Send” button to make the request and retrieve the actual data from the Notion database.

Conclusion and Future Possibilities with Notion API

In this tutorial, we explored the top 10 solutions for integrating the Notion API into your applications. We started by obtaining an API key by becoming an admin of a workspace or creating a new workspace. Then, we learned how to make a Notion database available for integration by finding the database ID.

Finally, we walked through the process of querying a Notion database using the Notion API. We used Insomnia as our API client to demonstrate querying the database structure, retrieving table properties, and querying actual data.

With the knowledge gained from this tutorial, you can now start harnessing the power of the Notion API, unleashing new possibilities for integrating Notion into your applications. From syncing tasks and deadlines to retrieving blog articles, the Notion API opens up a world of opportunities for extending the functionality of Notion.

In a future tutorial, we’ll dive deeper into a real-world example, showcasing the integration of Notion with a project management tool. Stay tuned for more exciting possibilities with the Notion API!

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