Top 10 Tips to Make Uvicorn Run FastAPI Smoothly

Jennie Lee
8 min readMar 9, 2024

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Introduction to FastAPI and Uvicorn

FastAPI and Uvicorn are two powerful tools in the Python ecosystem that enable developers to build high-performance web applications. FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance) web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints. It is designed to be easy to use, intuitive, and highly efficient. Uvicorn, on the other hand, is a lightning-fast ASGI server implementation that works seamlessly with FastAPI.

In today’s world where speed and performance are of utmost importance, FastAPI and Uvicorn provide an excellent combination for creating robust and scalable web applications. Developers can leverage the speed and simplicity of FastAPI’s syntax and the high-performance capabilities of Uvicorn to build APIs that can handle large volumes of traffic with low latency.

Benefits of using FastAPI and Uvicorn for building APIs

There are several benefits to using FastAPI and Uvicorn for building APIs:

  1. High performance: FastAPI is built on the latest Python features and utilizes asynchronous programming to achieve excellent performance. It supports high concurrency and is capable of handling thousands of requests per second.
  2. Easy to use: FastAPI provides a clean and intuitive API that is easy to understand and work with. Its declarative syntax allows developers to quickly define API endpoints and their request/response models.
  3. Automatic documentation: FastAPI automatically generates interactive API documentation based on the code, making it easy for developers to understand and test the API endpoints. The documentation includes detailed information about the endpoints, their parameters, and response models.
  4. Validation and serialization: FastAPI provides automatic data validation and serialization. It validates incoming requests against the defined data models and automatically serializes the response data according to the specified response models.
  5. Websockets support: FastAPI has built-in support for WebSockets, allowing developers to easily implement real-time functionalities in their applications.
  6. Compatibility with other tools: FastAPI is fully compatible with the entire ecosystem of Python libraries and frameworks, including databases, authentication systems, and more.
  7. ASGI server: Uvicorn is an ASGI server, which stands for Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface. ASGI provides an efficient and scalable way to handle incoming requests, making it ideal for high-performance applications.
  8. High concurrency: Uvicorn is capable of serving thousands of simultaneous connections with minimal overhead. It can handle both synchronous and asynchronous code, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
  9. Hot reloading: Uvicorn supports hot reloading, which means that developers can make changes to their code and see the results without needing to restart the server manually. This feature greatly improves the development workflow and saves time.
  10. Production-ready: FastAPI and Uvicorn are widely used in production environments and have proven to be reliable and stable. They are actively maintained and have a large community of developers providing support and contributing to their development.

Importance of performance in web applications

In today’s digital landscape, performance is a critical factor when it comes to building web applications. Slow response times and high latency can lead to a poor user experience, decreased user engagement, and even loss of revenue. Therefore, it is crucial for developers to focus on building high-performance applications that can handle a significant amount of traffic and deliver fast responses.

By using tools like FastAPI and Uvicorn, developers can leverage the strengths of Python and modern web development techniques to create APIs that are both efficient and high-performing. These tools enable developers to write code that is optimized for speed, scales well, and can handle a large number of concurrent requests.

Installing FastAPI and Uvicorn

Before we can start building our API, we need to install FastAPI and Uvicorn. Thankfully, installing these tools is quite straightforward using the pip package manager. Let’s walk through the installation process step by step:

  1. Open a terminal: First, open a terminal or command prompt on your machine.
  2. Create a virtual environment (optional): It is always a good practice to create a virtual environment for your project to keep your dependencies isolated. If you prefer not to use a virtual environment, you can skip this step. To create a virtual environment, run the following command:
python -m venv myenv

Replace ‘myenv’ with the desired name of your virtual environment.

  1. Activate the virtual environment: To activate the virtual environment, run the following command:
  • On Windows:
  • On macOS/Linux:
source myenv/bin/activate

Replace ‘myenv’ with the name of your virtual environment.

  1. Install FastAPI and Uvicorn: With your virtual environment activated, run the following commands to install FastAPI and Uvicorn:
pip install fastapi
pip install uvicorn

These commands will download and install the latest versions of FastAPI and Uvicorn from the Python Package Index (PyPI).

  1. Verify the installation: To verify that FastAPI and Uvicorn have been installed successfully, run the following commands:
fastapi --version
uvicorn --version

These commands will display the version numbers of FastAPI and Uvicorn, respectively. If you see the version numbers, it means that the installation was successful.

Defining API Endpoints with FastAPI

Now that we have FastAPI and Uvicorn installed, let’s start building our API. The first step is to define the API endpoints using FastAPI’s syntax. FastAPI follows a declarative approach where developers define the endpoints and their request/response models using Python type hints. FastAPI takes care of the rest, such as serialization, validation, and generating the documentation.

To define an API endpoint using FastAPI, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Python file: Open your favorite text editor or IDE and create a new Python file. Let’s name it ‘’.
  2. Import the necessary modules: At the top of the ‘’ file, import the required modules as follows:
from fastapi import FastAPI
from typing import Optional

Here, we are importing the ‘FastAPI’ class from the ‘fastapi’ module and the ‘Optional’ type hint from the ‘typing’ module. The ‘Optional’ type hint allows us to define optional parameters in our request models.

  1. Create an instance of the FastAPI class: After importing the required modules, create an instance of the ‘FastAPI’ class as follows:
app = FastAPI()

Here, we are creating an instance of the ‘FastAPI’ class and assigning it to the ‘app’ variable. This instance will be used to define our API endpoints.

  1. Define an API endpoint: Below the ‘app’ variable, define your API endpoint using the ‘app.route()’ decorator as follows:
def hello_world():
return {"message": "Hello, World!"}

In this example, we are using the ‘/hello’ route and defining a basic function that returns a JSON object with a “message” key.

  1. Start the development server: At the bottom of the ‘’ file, add the following code to start the development server:
if __name__ == "__main__":

This code ensures that the development server is only started if the script is run directly, not if it is imported as a module.

Congratulations! You have successfully defined your first API endpoint using FastAPI. In the next section, we will learn how to run the API using Uvicorn.

Running the API with Uvicorn

Now that we have defined our API endpoints using FastAPI, we need to run the API using Uvicorn. Uvicorn provides a development server that allows us to test our API locally before deploying it to a production environment. The development server provides features like hot reloading, which automatically refreshes the server when changes are made to the code.

To run the API with Uvicorn, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal: Open a new terminal or command prompt on your machine.
  2. Activate the virtual environment: If you are using a virtual environment, activate it by running the following command:
  • On Windows:
  • On macOS/Linux:
source myenv/bin/activate

Replace ‘myenv’ with the name of your virtual environment.

  1. Navigate to the project directory: Use the ‘cd’ command to navigate to the directory where your ‘’ file is located.
  2. Run the API using Uvicorn: To start the development server and run the API, execute the following command:
uvicorn main:app --reload

Here, ‘main’ refers to the name of the Python file without the ‘.py’ extension, and ‘app’ refers to the name of the FastAPI instance we created. The ‘ — reload’ flag enables hot reloading, which automatically refreshes the server when changes are made to the code.

  1. Test the API endpoint: Once the server is running, you can test the API endpoint by opening a web browser and navigating to ‘http://localhost:8000/hello'. You should see a JSON response with a “message” key and the value “Hello, World!”.

Congratulations! You have successfully run your API using Uvicorn. In the next section, we will learn how to test the API using an HTTP client.

Testing the API with an HTTP client

Testing is a crucial part of building web applications, as it ensures the functionality and reliability of your API endpoints. In this section, we will learn how to test our API using an HTTP client like curl.

To test the API endpoint we defined earlier (“/hello”), follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal: Open a new terminal or command prompt on your machine.
  2. Make a GET request to the endpoint using curl: Execute the following command to send a GET request to the ‘/hello’ endpoint:
curl http://localhost:8000/hello

The response will be displayed in the terminal. You should see a JSON response with a “message” key and the value “Hello, World!”.

Testing your API helps to identify and fix any issues early on in the development cycle. It ensures that your API endpoints are behaving as expected and provides a level of confidence in their functionality.

Advanced Functionality and Best Practices

In addition to the basic functionality we have covered so far, FastAPI offers a range of advanced features that can further enhance your API. Some of these features include request validation, authentication, database integration, handling file uploads, and more. To learn more about these features, refer to the FastAPI documentation.

When building high-performance APIs with FastAPI and Uvicorn, it is essential to follow certain best practices. Here are a few tips to help you maximize the performance of your applications:

  • Enable GZIP compression: Enabling GZIP compression can significantly reduce the size of response payloads, resulting in faster response times.
  • Use asynchronous code: Asynchronous programming can improve the performance of your API by allowing it to handle multiple concurrent requests without blocking any resources.
  • Leverage caching: Use caching techniques like Redis or Memcached to store frequently accessed data and reduce database queries.
  • Optimize database queries: Optimize your database queries by avoiding unnecessary joins, using proper indexes, and making use of ORM caching techniques.

It is also important to set up a production-ready deployment for your FastAPI applications. This can involve using tools like Docker, Kubernetes, or a cloud service provider to ensure scalability, reliability, and high availability of your APIs.


In this article, we have explored the process of building an API using FastAPI and running it with Uvicorn. We started by installing FastAPI and Uvicorn using pip, and then defined our API endpoints using FastAPI’s declarative syntax. We ran the API using Uvicorn’s development server and tested it using an HTTP client.

FastAPI and Uvicorn provide an excellent combination for building high-performance APIs with Python. With FastAPI’s simplicity and efficiency and Uvicorn’s speed and scalability, developers can create robust and efficient web applications that can handle large volumes of traffic with low latency.

We also discussed the importance of performance in web applications and touched on some advanced features and best practices for building high-performance APIs. By following these tips and leveraging the capabilities of FastAPI and Uvicorn, you can build APIs that deliver a fast and reliable user experience.

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