Top 10 Zendesk Ticket API Solutions

Jennie Lee
5 min readMar 16, 2024


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In today’s world of customer support, ticketing systems play a crucial role in managing and resolving customer queries and issues. Zendesk is one such popular ticketing system that offers a robust API for integrating its functionality into custom applications.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to create a Zendesk ticket from a contact form using REST API with JavaScript. The author originally encountered the need for this solution when they wanted to set up a custom contact form on their website. They wanted the form to automatically create a support ticket on their Zendesk support system whenever someone submits the form. However, they couldn’t find an existing solution that met their requirements, so they decided to create their own using JavaScript and the Zendesk REST API v2.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you will be able to integrate your contact form with Zendesk, streamlining your customer support process and ensuring that all customer inquiries are promptly addressed.

Quick Start Guide to the Zendesk API

Before diving into the technical implementation, it is crucial to obtain an API key, which will serve as the authentication mechanism to access Zendesk’s REST API. You can obtain the API key by following Zendesk’s Quick Start guide.

Additionally, it is highly recommended to familiarize yourself with Zendesk’s API documentation. Understanding the API endpoints, request/response structure, and available parameters will greatly facilitate the process of integrating your contact form with Zendesk. You can find detailed documentation on Zendesk’s developer portal.

Setting up the Contact Form

To begin integrating your contact form with Zendesk, you first need to set up the contact form on your website. This tutorial assumes that you have basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript.

  1. Create an HTML form on your website, containing fields such as the requester’s name, email, subject, and comment body. Ensure that the form is wrapped within a <form> element and includes an onsubmit attribute, which will call a JavaScript function to handle the form submission.
  2. Within the JavaScript function that handles the form submission, capture the values entered by the user in the form fields. Store these values in variables for later use.
  3. One important field to capture is the comment body, which corresponds to the description of the customer’s query or issue. Zendesk’s REST API requires a specific format for this field, as it allows for rich text formatting. Consider using a library like CKEditor to provide a rich text editor for the comment body field.

Creating a Zendesk Ticket with JavaScript

Now that the contact form is set up, let’s focus on the JavaScript code that will create a Zendesk ticket when the form is submitted. Below is a complete JavaScript snippet that you can use as a starting point:

const apiUrl = "";
const apiToken = "YOUR_API_TOKEN";

function createTicket() {
// Retrieve form field values
const requesterName = document.getElementById("name").value;
const requesterEmail = document.getElementById("email").value;
const ticketSubject = document.getElementById("subject").value;
const ticketComment = document.getElementById("comment").value;

// Create ticket object
const ticket = {
ticket: {
requester: {
name: requesterName,
email: requesterEmail,
subject: ticketSubject,
comment: { body: ticketComment },

// Configure the POST request
const requestOptions = {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: `Bearer ${apiToken}`,
body: JSON.stringify(ticket),

// Send the request to create the ticket
fetch(apiUrl, requestOptions)
.then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
console.log("Ticket created successfully");
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to create ticket");
.catch((error) => {

Before using this code snippet, make sure to replace your_subdomain with your actual Zendesk subdomain and YOUR_API_TOKEN with the API token you obtained earlier.

Let’s break down the code:

  • The apiUrl variable holds the API endpoint for creating a ticket. Replace your_subdomain with your actual Zendesk subdomain.
  • The apiToken variable holds the API token obtained from the Zendesk developer portal.
  • The createTicket function is called upon form submission. It retrieves the form field values and creates a ticket object with the necessary information.
  • The requestOptions object configures the POST request by specifying the request method, headers (including the API token), and the body in JSON format.
  • Finally, the fetch function is used to send the request and handle the response. If the response is successful (status code 200), a message is logged to the console. Otherwise, an error is thrown.

Error Handling

It is important to handle errors that may occur during the ticket creation process. While the example code provided above throws an error if the ticket creation is unsuccessful, Zendesk’s REST API provides detailed error messages that can be utilized to handle different error scenarios.

For example, if the API request is unauthorized due to an incorrect or missing API token, the response object will include an error message indicating the unauthorized access. You can use this information to provide appropriate feedback to the user and prompt them to check their API token or authentication credentials.

To handle errors, you can modify the code within the .catch block of the fetch function. You can access detailed error information by examining the error object and displaying relevant messages to the user or logging them for debugging purposes.

Testing the Functionality

Once you have implemented the code and integrated your contact form with Zendesk, it’s important to thoroughly test the functionality to ensure that everything is working smoothly.

To test the functionality, fill out the contact form on your website with sample data and submit it. If the form is successfully submitted, check your Zendesk support system to verify that a new ticket has been created with the information you provided. Alternatively, you can log the status message to the console to confirm the successful creation of the ticket.

To simulate an error scenario, intentionally provide incorrect or missing information in the form fields and submit the form again. Check the error message displayed to the user or logged in the console and ensure that it accurately reflects the cause of the error.

By conducting these tests, you can ensure that your integration with Zendesk is reliable and provides an enhanced customer support experience.


Integrating a contact form with Zendesk allows you to seamlessly create support tickets and efficiently manage customer inquiries. This article provided a step-by-step guide on how to create a Zendesk ticket from a contact form using REST API with JavaScript.

By following the instructions outlined in this tutorial, you can establish a streamlined support system that automates the ticket creation process and ensures that customer inquiries are promptly addressed.

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